
Who determines what I am eligible for? Can I talk to someone for more in-depth information regarding my VA status? 

士兵应该与他们指定的教育服务官员或辅导员交谈 prior to enrolling for classes. 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址隶属于VA地区大学 Processing Office in St. Louis, Missouri. Call (888) 442-4551 for answers to your questions or visit va.gov

Semester Certification

证书(VA表格22-1999)是学校认证官员提供的信息 sends to the regional processing office. The student's enrollment dates, training 地位和阶级地位都是认证的一部分. The sooner you turn 在你的文书工作中,你就能越早收到每月的福利. Rule 上课后,请尽快上交表格,以确保你的成绩 a timely certification.
每个学期,你都需要提交一份完整的退伍军人事务豁免请求 form. VA豁免申请表可在学生财务办公室获得 Aid. 填写学生部分,然后把表格交给你的认证官员. Certification cannot be done without this form.
如果您更改了注册,请立即填写并提交更新后的“添加/删除” form. Withdrawing from a course may reduce your benefits. You may have to repay benefits 除非你能证明改变是由于减轻罪责的情节. (If you have mitigating 情况下,让认证官员知道,以便将信息添加到 the updated certification.)在添加/删除表单上指出哪些类被删除了 and/or added. 如果您添加的类之前没有得到您的 学术指导老师,表格必须由指导老师签名. If you are just dropping a class, the form only needs your signature.


Policy for Mitigating Circumstances

The VA requires students using the Post-9/11 GI Bill® 在他们退出或放弃一门课程后提供减轻处罚的条件 the drop/add period and receive a non-punitive grade. Acceptable mitigating circumstances 必须提供,以便支付出席会议之前的福利 drop date. 如果他们没有提供和接受,任何福利从一开始就支付 期限的日期将被视为超额付款,并可能建立债务. 如果你在退加期后退课或不得不停止上课并收到 一个没有被计入你的平均绩点的成绩,很可能是“缓解”这个词 circumstances" was mentioned in a letter we sent you. So what are "mitigating circumstances" and why should you care? To learn more, read the VA's Mitigating Circumstances.

What if I change my major?

你需要让你的学术顾问提供一份最新的学位表,显示你的 完成学分并通知你的认证官员. Your certification cannot be done until a new degree sheet is received.

Grades and the GI Bill®

如果你没有通过一门课,重修这门课的学分可以重新认证.  You can use 只有当你收到的分数不被接受时,你才能获得提高分数的好处 under your program. 如果你的成绩在你的课程中是可以接受的, 你不能利用你的福利来重修这门课程以获得更好的成绩.
VA使用CSU目录中列出的相同进度标准.  If your low grades 因进度不理想导致停工,停工将被报告 to the VA.
Tutorial assistance can be reimbursed by the GI Bill® for chapters 30, 33, 35 and 1606.  Tutorial assistance is not available for chapter 1607 at this time. 你必须提供课程指导老师的证明你的信 课程是否有不足,个别辅导是否有助于改正不足. 您应该联系学习协助中心,以获得可用的导师.  The monthly amount reimbursed cannot exceed $100. To apply, complete VA Form 22-1990t, Application 以及个性化辅导的入学证明. Forms are available on the GI Bill® website,或由学生经济援助办公室的认证官员提供. You will 你需要支付家教费用,退伍军人事务部会给你报销.


What the GI Bill® Pays For

退伍军人事务部只会为适用于学位的课程付费. This means only classes within your course of study or major. Anything outside the degree program will not be eligible for benefits.
如果你的学位有选修学分,你可以用这些选修课来上课 a minor.  否则,辅修课程不能计算在认证中.  When 你已经完成了你的公开选修课,没有未来的选修课学分可以证明.
The GI Bill® 作为未被录取的学生,是否支付两个学期的福利. After two semesters, benefits will stop until you are formally admitted. Courses taken while a non-admit 学生应该被限制在学校任何课程都可以接受的课程上 (i.e., core requirements).
可以,但只有当这些课程计入你的专业/学位时. If a course is not degree-applicable, you cannot receive benefits.



请致电VA(877) 838-2778更新您的直接存款信息. Chapter 30, 1606和1607学生在网上验证他们的出勤可以更改他们的地址 and direct deposit information at that site.  Other chapter students should call the 退伍军人事务部热线电话:(888)442-4551更新其地址.
No. 根据退伍军人部管理的任何法律支付的任何退伍军人福利 事务不应作为收入报告给美国国税局(IRS).

Only Chapters 30, 1606 and 1607 must verify. In order to receive your monthly benefits from the GI Bill®,你必须在每个月底核实你的注册. There are two ways to verify; both are available 24 hours a day.

  • Go to the GI Bill® website under Information for Benefit Recipients/WAVE
  • 请致电(877)823-2378,并使用交互式语音应答


Who pays my tuition and fees?

第30章,第35章,1606章,1607章,你们有责任确保学费和 fees are paid on time. 学费和杂费应在每学期开始前缴纳. 你的福利将在当月的月底发放.

第33章:学生必须向VA认证提供他们的资格证书 official.  还必须事先提供一份完整并签署的VA豁免申请表 to the start of the semester.  VA认证官员将计算出金额 并将暂停30天学生的那部分学费 and fee bill.  未能支付剩余余额的学生将产生滞纳金 and could be purged from classes.  VA cannot be charged for late fees or reinstatement fees. 

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的详细信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website.